A Look Into Modular Homes: What You Need to Know About Modular Homes

People are looking for ways to build their homes faster and cheaper. However, there haven’t been any construction methods that can do this aside for one. Modular construction is considered the future of construction and one that’ll revolutionize the industry forever. You might want to consider this construction method if you’re planning to build a home this year.

If you want to know more about modular construction, read on. We have the essential knowledge you need that’ll help you decide whether if a modular home is for you or not. First, however, we have to distinguish between two types of prefabricated homes: manufactured and modular.

Manufactured Homes vs. Modular Homes

We’ve been looking into alternative methods to build homes in the US. One way we’ve been building homes aside from the traditional approach is through manufacturing.

Mobile homes or manufactured homes are considered some of the cheapest in the market, but they’re not so resilient. Much like modular homes, manufactured homes are built in factories. But the critical difference between the two is that modular homes are still required to be made on-site and have a traditional foundation, while mobile homes do not.

The main advantage that mobile homes have against modular homes is that mobile homes can be moved while modular homes have to stay put. But that’s the only advantage that mobile homes have. Modular homes are far more resilient and cost-effective in the long run, making them the prime choice for homeowners. They can stand earthquakes and typhoons much better than mobile homes. Additionally, home insurance can cover a modular home. Mobile homes require specialized home insurance to be approved.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s look into the advantages of a modular home.

Cheaper and Faster to Build

Modular homes are getting all the craze this year because they are faster and cheaper to build. Considering that homes in the market now cost $300,000 on average, you can save a lot of your funds by doing this.

The average price required to build a traditional home is around $100 to $200 per square foot. For modular homes, you only need around $80 to $160. That’s savings of about $40 per square foot. The average cost of entirely building a traditional home is approximately $160,000 to $400,000, while modular homes that are fully installed cost around $120,000 to $270,000. There is a vast price difference between the two.

Furthermore, construction time is considered to be drastically reduced. Modular homes only require half the building time of traditionally built houses, making them the best option for those who need a home this year.

Interestingly enough, add-ons and customizations are much easier to build into modular homes since you only need to attach them. For example, if you need a glass garage door installed in your home, you can do so without any problem. You can also add new floors if you have the funds for it. As modular homes continue to be researched, the more improvements these homes will have over traditional building methods.


Energy Efficient

Modular homes are also considered to be more energy-efficient. The wiring and other electrical needs are done inside the factory. Moreover, some modular homes can come with solar panels installed if you want to live to utilize solar energy.
The materials used for modular homes are also made from environmentally-friendly materials. In addition, the way to build them also utilizes less energy. So if you’re interested in eco-friendly options, then a modular home is for you.

Fewer Delays

The main problem with building traditional homes is some unexpected delays along the way. Although some delays come with modular homes, these delays are pretty rare.

For example, weather-caused delays are far too common with traditional building methods, so having a home during the winter or rainy season can be a problem. However, this is near impossible to happen with modular homes since parts are built inside the factory.

Delays do exist in building modular homes, but they are less likely to happen when compared to traditional building methods.

Online Presence

Lastly, modular homes have some online presence, meaning that you don’t have to visit the builders physically.

There are many companies out there producing modular homes, and all of them can be reached through online means. All you have to do is contact them, give them the specifications they need, and they should be back with the quotation needed to build your home. It’s fast, simple, and accessible to everybody.

Modular homes are the homes of the future. You should consider these advantages and build your modular home this year!

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