Bloodsucking Bugs Inside Your Home

Some bugs bite, some sting, and some feed on your blood. Like vampires, you can be inviting these bugs into your home, allowing yourself and your family to be preyed upon. While you might not lose a lot of blood due to their size, these bugs also bring all kinds of diseases and conditions through their bites.


The government took steps to wipe out the mosquito species that spreads malaria in the 1940s, but small outbreaks in the 60s and 70s occurred through returning soldiers. Today, mosquito-borne diseases are mostly spread through returning tourists and illegal immigrants.

Outbreaks are rare, and aggressive mosquito control measures can limit their effects. Even without the diseases they spread, mosquitoes can be irritating. Bites can range from mildly itchy to severely painful. Screen doors can prevent them from getting inside your house, and mosquito repellents can hold them at bay. Keeping them off your yard is a different issue.

Mosquitoes can breed from any source of stagnant water, such as old tires, buckets, potted plant trays, blocked gutters, or even something as small as a bottle cap. Getting rid of mosquitoes will require professional yard control measures — with treatments that last for entire seasons.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the real Bogeyman of the bedroom. They feed every night, and there could be hundreds of them in your bedroom. Every time you take a trip outside, you might bring back a couple of bed bugs with you. Bed bugs are often found in motels or dirty college dorms.

However, you can get unwanted hitchhikers in almost any place where large numbers of people gather. Bedbugs can crawl from a couch into your clothes or even jump from person to person. Tiny smudges of blood in your pillows and sheets are clear indicators of feeding bed bugs.

Once an infestation grows large enough, you might notice the distinct smell of coriander. The scent comes from the sweat of hundreds of bedbugs living in your bedroom. Bed bug bites are more than just irritating. Chronic exposure to bedbugs has been known to cause insomnia, anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. The usual bug spray won’t do when it comes to bedbugs. You’ll need proper pest control services using heat or chemical treatment in the affected rooms.


These tiny insects might not seem like much, but fleas have caused the deaths of over 25 million people by spreading the Black Death. While the bubonic plague might seem like a medieval problem, at least 7 people in the US get infected each year. Fleas are more likely to feed on pets than humans. However, humans in infested homes can get bitten. A single bite might no cause significant problems, but successive bites may cause hypersensitive or allergic reactions.

flea on skin

Fleas are common in cats and dogs, but they can prey on other mammals and even birds. Fur can hide their presence, which can be difficult to spot even if you look for them. Flea medication will often be enough to rid your pets of them, but don’t hesitate to visit a veterinarian if your pet seems abnormally week and disheveled. Thorough vacuuming and proper use of insecticide should get rid of the rest.


If you’ve watched episodes of House MD, you might have heard of Lyme disease. The tick-borne disease is becoming quite common. Even celebrities like singers Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber were diagnosed with the condition. Lyme disease affects 30,000 Americans each year. Experts believe the actual numbers should be somewhat higher, as Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed. The condition can cause persistent fatigue, headaches, insomnia, and depression. Standard antibiotics are often effective.

However, up to 20 percent of affected individuals still experience symptoms after treatments. Ticks are often found in vegetation, usually from hiking in forests. Do a quick check on your arms and legs for these critters. Bites can stay unnoticed without visual checks as Tick saliva contains anesthetic properties.

Ticks can also make a home in your yard, hiding in piles of leaves, grass, patio furniture, or dense brush. Ticks require humid environments. Keeping the air conditioner on should get rid of ones inside your home, and pesticides should deal with those in your cabin or shed.

Don’t be prey to bloodsucking bugs. A few bites might not seem like much. However, they can lead to dangerous diseases. Get these critters off your house and yard with simple measures or by calling professionals.

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