Home Renovation Checklist – Things You Need Before You Start

  •  A well-planned budget, including a contingency fund, is crucial for successful home renovations.
  • Necessary permits and approvals should be obtained before starting renovations to avoid legal issues.
  • Hiring a professional handyman saves you time and money and ensures quality work.
  • A design plan including materials, style, layout, and lighting decisions aids in the smooth renovation.

Are you thinking about renovating your home? Maybe you want to update your kitchen, add a bathroom, or create more living space. Whatever your renovation plan may be, it’s essential to have a checklist of everything you need before you start.

Renovations can be overwhelming, but having a plan in place can help you stay on track and avoid unexpected costs. In this blog, you will learn about the essential things you need on your home renovation checklist.


The first thing you need on your home renovation checklist is a budget. Before you start any renovations, you need to have a clear idea of how much you can afford to spend. Start by creating a list of all the upgrades you want to make and research how much each project costs. Then, prioritize your list based on what’s most important to you. Keep in mind that unexpected expenses can arise during the renovation process, so it’s a good idea to have a contingency fund of 10-20% of your budget.

Permits and Regulations

Depending on the scope of your renovations, you may need permits from your city or municipality. It’s essential to research the regulations in your area before you start any work. Failure to obtain the necessary permits can result in fines and legal issues. Make sure you have all the permits and approvals in place before you start your renovations.



Unless you’re a professional contractor, you’ll likely need to hire someone to do the renovation work. An experienced handyman can help you with tasks like flooring, roofing, painting, plumbing, electrical work, and more! Their expertise can save you time and money in the long run. Look for a handyman who has experience in the type of renovation you’re looking for and read reviews from past customers.


Renovations can take longer than expected, so it’s essential to have a realistic timeline in place. Consider how long each project will take and factor in any delays that may occur. Communicate with your contractor to establish a timeline and ensure you’re both on the same page. Remember that renovations may disrupt your daily routine, so it’s essential to plan accordingly.

Design Plan

Finally, you need a design plan for your renovations. A design plan will help keep the project on track and make it easier to coordinate with your contractors. To create a solid design plan, here are four essential things you need to consider:


Knowing what type of materials you want to use can help you stay within budget. Research the available materials and decide which will work best for your project. You can also consult a professional contractor for advice on the best materials for your renovation.


Choose a style that complements the current look of your home but also reflects your personal taste. Think about what design elements you like, such as colors, textures, and patterns. You can also look to home design magazines and websites for inspiration.


Plan the layout of your renovations and how they will fit into the existing space. Consider how you want to use each room and consider potential obstacles, such as plumbing or electrical issues. You may also want to consult a professional who can help you plan the best layout for your renovations.



The lighting in your home can significantly impact the overall look and feel. Consider what type of light fixtures you want to install and where you want to place them. Natural light is also essential, so think about ways to use skylights or other windows to maximize natural illumination.

A clear design plan will help you make decisions and ensure everything is cohesive. Work with your contractor to ensure your design plan is feasible and within your budget.

Home renovations require meticulous planning and preparation. From budgeting to design planning, each stage of the process plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and successful renovation. Remember, it’s not just about enhancing your home’s aesthetics but also about creating a functional space that suits your lifestyle. With a well-thought-out checklist, you can approach your renovation project with confidence and clarity, transforming your home into a place that’s uniquely yours.

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